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Vice President




The President shall preside over all meetings of the League and of the Board of Directors; shall act as the official representative and spokesperson of the League unless that responsibility is delegated by the president, the membership, or these Bylaws to another person; during any absence of the President, the Vice president shall perform the aforementioned functions. 

(Article V, Section 1(A) of the Bylaws.)

Vice President

the Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence; assist the President in the discharge of his/her duties; may arrange for guest speakers and other programs to be featured at membership meetings; and perform such other duties as designated by the President and the Board of Directors.

(Article V, Section 1(B) of the Bylaws.)


The Treasurer shall receive all funds of the League and deposit same in  such federally insured bank as the Board may choose; shall pay all obligations of the League in a timely manner; shall keep an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements and present an oral and written financial statement at the monthly Board and League meetings; present an annual budget (after conferring with committee chairpersons and the Board) for the approval of the Board and for review by the membership at the annual meeting; insure all financial reports are filed as required by law or regulation; and shall deliver an annual report at the annual meeting of the League.  All records shall be made available for auditing as requested.

(Article V, Section 1(C) of the Bylaws.)


The Secretary shall act as recorder for the League; keep accurate minutes of all Board and membership meetings; provide for the custody of the records and all League documents; make available at all meetings of the League and Board of Directors a current copy of the League’s Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws; handle all official correspondence; maintain a current record of all members (names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses if available); perform other such duties as this office may require.  The secretary shall be responsible, along with the communications committee, for issuing a Call to all members one week prior to all meetings.

(Article V, Section 1(C) of the Bylaws.)


The Parliamentarian shall be well versed in the current published “Robert’s Rules of Order” and the policies and procedures of this League and shall interpret them and see that they are adhered to.

(Article V, Section 1(D) of the Bylaws.)


The Chaplain may open meetings with prayer and close meetings in like manner or direct another member or friend of the League to do so. (Article V, Section 1(E) of the Bylaws.) The Park Place Civic League acknowledges diversity in all forms. With this in mind, we choose to have a moment of reflection to begin our meeting, so that each person can reflect in their own way, whether that be through an internal religious connection, a meditative moment, breath awareness, or sitting in silence.

© 2024 Park Place Civic League, City of Norfolk Virginia

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